Developing spiritual wholeness
Grow in your faith journey through opportunities such as; mentorship, retreats and group events.
Creating space to connect with God
Meeting one-on-one with women individually to encourage them in their faith-journey towards a life of wholeness.
Rest Retreats
Creating a space for men and women to connect with Jesus through a day or weekend retreat. Retreats are customized to your needs, and can include; practicing spiritual principles, space for contemplative prayer and solitude, guided meditation, good food, and REST.
Group events
Individualized small gatherings with the intent to teach, share and experience spiritual principles.

“Something very deep and mysterious, very holy and sacred, is taking place in our lives right where we are, and the more attentive we become the more we will
begin to see and hear it.”
— Henri Nouwen
Upcoming events
Contact Tessa for future event information.